Man's World (TV Series)
Man’s World
(Amazon Prime TV Seriers)
Written & Directed by
Produced by
Wow! What a wonderful story written by Vickram Gupta.
This story is about ‘What if women treated men, the way men
treated women. It is a story about walking a mile in their shoes, in that
Kiran (boy) is the protagonist of this story. He is fed with
the females, their problems, always criticizing males and society for gender
Fed up with this world, he made a wish to flip this world by
putting males in the place of females and vice-versa. If his wish is granted
then he won’t be whining about ‘feminism’, he won’t be waving this ‘gender
equality’ flag.
And then his wish is granted! The moment he wakes up in
morning, he started to notice the changes of this new world that he wished for.
The whole story is about Kiran experiencing the first world
and after his wish, the second world. But the unexpected happens after he makes
a second wish.
The Lesson
from Man’s World TV Series :
The writer has shown us both the worlds and none of which is
good. So how can we achieve this gender equality?
He has also given the answer.
At the end Kiran teaches us how we can fix this world of
Gender Inequality. Kiran says to his new born boy, “We have to fix this world.
The plan is simple. You won’t listen to what other people say. Men are like
this, women are like that, no! you will use your own mind. You will give the
same respect to women that you would want from them. Your friends will learn
that attitude from you. Then their friends will learn that from them. And like
this, slowly, little by little, one person at a time we will change the world!
The new world will be created where everybody respects everyone!”
You must be thinking, “Is a world like this possible?”
Of course it is possible! But the question is …. first….. can
you imagine a world like this?
This is only one episode of this series and it is of only
around 55 minutes and worth watching. So what are you waiting for? Go and
Feel free to comment down below if you have watched and any
opinion regarding this series.
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