Man's World (TV Series)
Man’s World (Amazon Prime TV Seriers) Written & Directed by Vickram Gupta Produced by Ashish Patel Wow! What a wonderful story written by Vickram Gupta. This story is about ‘What if women treated men, the way men treated women. It is a story about walking a mile in their shoes, in that world’. Kiran (boy) is the protagonist of this story. He is fed with the females, their problems, always criticizing males and society for gender inequality. Fed up with this world, he made a wish to flip this world by putti ng males in the place of females and vice-versa. If his wish is granted then he won’t be whining about ‘feminism’, he won’t be waving this ‘gender equality’ flag. And then his wish is granted! The moment he wakes up in morning, he started to notice the changes of this new world that he wished for. The whole story is about Kiran experiencing the first world and after his wish, the second world. But the unexpected happens after he makes a ...