
क्या करे फौजी (ए )

दो देशो के बीच युद्ध चल रहा था। कहीं  तोप के गोले तो कहीं से बंदूक की गोलियों की आवाजें आ रही थी। बॉडर पर दोनों सेनाओं के सैनिक लड़ाई करने पर लगे हुए थे | रात का समय था गोलियों की आवाज के साथ-साथ गोला बारूद का धुँआ इतना ज्यादा था कि अपने सामने कोई खड़ा हो तो पता नहीं लगेगा। सभी फौजी अंदाजे के साथ अंधाधुन गोलियाँ चला रहे थे कि इतने में एक बम का गोला सेना की एक टुकड़ी के पास आकर गिरता है।  कुछ फौजी तो मर जाते हैं और कुछ बचे हुए फौजी अपनी जान बचाने के लिये इधर-उधर भागते हैं। उसी हड़बड़ाहट में एक फौजी ढलान से लुढ़कता हुआ नीचे गिरता है और उसका सर एक पत्थर पर जाकर लगता  है।  उसका सर चकरा रहा होता है और बदन  में दर्द हो रहा होता है। लेकिन उस दर्द से ज्यादा एक और दर्द था, अपने घर का, अपनी भूढी माँ का और बहन का जिन्हे वो घर छोड़ आया था।  तभी उसे एक आवाज आती है : पानी-पानी ! उसके पैर में एक घाव होने के कारण वो चल कर  इधर-उधर जा तो नहीं सकता था लेकिन मदद की पुकार सुनकर वो अपने पास पड़ी पानी की बोतल उछाल कर, आवाज की त...

Life Lesson From Good Omens

1)    Our destiny is not what people impose on us, like is case of Adam. He was Satan’s child who was destined to destroy the earth but instead he chooses his own destiny by saving the world. All those people (Angels and demons) and whispers were telling him to destroy earth, for that purpose he was born. For that reason he was send to earth but instead he rejects all of them and chooses his own path. Likewise in our life when people say we can or can’t to something should not influence our mind. Like Adam we have the right to choose our destiny, it is not written somewhere. We are just given the choices and we have to choose wisely for the betterment of ourselves and people. 2)    On the other hand we see The Angels who are created to do good and The Demons who are created to do bad, didn't go like that. We are not what our appearances are, we are what our hearts are. Read the review of Good Omens Season 1 Read about the Good Omens Season 2...

Good Omens Season 2

What will happen in Good Omens Season 2 Though there are very less chances of Season 2 coming because it ended fantastically. But if there will be Season 2 or 3 then it may contain stories as follows :        1)      Friendship of Aziraphale and Crowley is not what Angels and Demons approve and I don’t think they will let them easily go. May be someone will figure out and then there will be trouble for them.       2)      Agnes’s further prophesies, though Anathema burnt those that doesn’t mean it will end. We don’t what was written there but if there is something bad written there then it will probably be disclosed in Season 2.       3)      Adam’s (Antichrist) growth, what will be the future of Adam will he again be influenced by evil or will he become a hero. Because he still has his powers and hell hound.       4)    ...

Review of Good Omens Season 1

Good Omens Its story tell us about how the life on earth begins. That how angels spread love and how demons spread evil. That the God created everything, there was a war between Angels and Demons. Angels won and demons have to leave Heaven. The story begins with the Satan’s child Antichrist being born on earth and when he turns 11 he will summon 4 horsemen namely as War, Famine, Pollution and Death with this there will be end of the earth. Then there will be a war between Angels and Demons. But our protagonist Aziraphale the Angel and Crowley the Demon have grown fond of earth. They are friend since 6000 years (even before the great war), and they want to save the earth from this catastrophe. But problem started when the baby was brought to earth. He was misplaced because of some misunderstanding and they (Aziraphale and Crowley) have to find him and stop the apocalypse. Will they be able to stop the apocalypse? If you want to know what will happen in ...

Review of Mardaani (Movie)

Mardaani This movie was released in 2014 of about 113 minutes. This movie is for 18+ age. This movie is about the fearless lady cop Shivani Shivaji Roy, Senior Inspector, Crime Branch, Mumbai Police, sets out to confront the Karan, mastermind behind a child trafficking mafia, who makes the mistake of kidnapping and smuggling a teenage girl, Pyaari. What follows is a cat and mouse game between a fearless cop and a young ruthless mafia kingpin in a war which is personal. The kingpin (Karan) was a person whose identity was only known to few and nobody knows that he was the kingpin. The real conflict arises when Karan tries to bribe Cop and she refuses and carry on the case. Then her family was started to getting targeted.   But this has not made her weak instead she became strong and motivated to catch him. We learn from her that when push comes to shoves you around, you just need to shove it back. Be committed to your job, your responsibilities irrespective...