
Showing posts from October, 2018

The shit happening on Dussehra

Sorry, if I offend you or hurt your feelings. But this is how I really feel when Dussehra comes.                              Do you know why we celebrate Dussehra? Yes, I think everybody knows that. Do you know why people go to Ramlela ground or any other place to see the burning effigy of Ravan? Yes, because they want to see those crackers put on the Ravan this year. On Dussera evening people want their evening schedule cleared because they want to go to see Ravan this evening. They want to see:             How money is burnt!              How we are polluting our environment! (Diwali is another pollution day) -          I don’t get it   why people are crazy about seeing the burning effigy of Ravan while sitti...

After reading this you will never need a Motivation

Do you know why motivation works and gives you a positive energy to complete the task, to achieve your goals, to achieve all of your dreams. Motivation is a reason for acting and behaving in a certain way (dictionary meaning). I will share with you a trick that will make you addict to your goals. I will use example of studies here, when your class ends and your are about to go into the next class. You are motivated to work hard, to study hard, to get good grades. But as the time passes you lost your motivation to get good grades. You don’t know why you lost your motivation, why you lost that target which was in front of you. Remember when the first time you have installed Facebook, Instagram, Clash of Clans, Call of Duty, GTA, PUB G or any other app. Can you tell the difference between when they were first launched or when you have started playing that game for the first time and now. Yes, the answer in simple because that app or game has been updated so many t...